В.Путин.Обращение Президента России.04.09.04

v Address by President Vladimir Putin<br />September 4, 2004<br />The Kremlin, Moscow<br /><br />Обращение Президента России
Address by President Vladimir Putin
September 4, 2004
The Kremlin, Moscow

Обращение Президента России Владимира Путина
4 сентября 2004 года
Москва, Кремль

PRESIDENT VLADIMIR PUTIN: Speaking is hard. It is painful.A terrible tragedy has taken place in our world. Over these last few days each and every one of us has suffered greatly and taken deeply to heart all that was happening in the Russian town of Beslan. There, we found ourselves confronting not just murderers, but people who turned their weapons against helpless children.I would like now, first of all, to address words of support and condolence to those people who have lost what we treasure most in this life our children, our loved and dear ones.I ask that we all remember those who lost their lives at the hands of terrorists over these last days.Russia has lived through many tragic events and terrible ordeals over the course of its history. Today, we live in a time that follows the collapse of a vast and great state, a state that, unfortunately, proved unable to survive in a rapidly changing world. But despite all the difficulties, we were able to preserve the core of what was once the vast Soviet Union, and we named this new country the Russian Federation.We all hoped for change, change for the better. But many of the changes that took place in our lives found us unprepared. Why ?
We are living at a time of an economy in transition, of a political system that does not yet correspond to the state and level of our societys development.We are living through a time when internal conflicts and interethnic divisions that were once firmly suppressed by the ruling ideology have now flared up.We stopped paying the required attention to defence and security issues and we allowed corruption to undermine our judicial and law enforcement system.Furthermore, our country, formerly protected by the most powerful defence system along the length of its external frontiers overnight found itself defenceless both from the east and the west.It will take many years and billions of roubles to create new, modern and genuinely protected borders.But even so, we could have been more effective if we had acted professionally and at the right moment.In general, we need to admit that we did not fully understand the complexity and the dangers of the processes at work in our own country and in the world. In any case, we proved unable to react adequately. We showed ourselves to be weak. And the weak get beaten.
Some would like to tear from us a juicy piece of pie. Others help them. They help, reasoning that Russia still remains one of the worlds major nuclear powers, and as such still represents a threat to them. And so they reason that this threat should be removed.
Terrorism, of course, is just an instrument to achieve these aims.
As I have said many times already, we have found ourselves confronting crises, revolts and terrorist acts on more than one occasion. But what has happened now, this crime committed by terrorists, is unprecedented in its inhumanness and cruelty. This is not a challenge to the President, parliament or government. It is a challenge to all of Russia, to our entire people. Our country is under attack.
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